Legal notices

The site is published by SAS du Dôme des Miages, 4088, route de Saint Nicolas – 74170 Saint-Gervais-les-Bains, France. 

Contact :

Director of publication: Damien Bastiat

Mediation organization: MCP Mediation, 12 square Desnouettes, Paris 75015.

Website design and production: Mydear Agency

Hosting: OVH – 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France

Photo and video credits :

– Lenaka

– Semaphore / Pascal Leroy

– Adam Johnston

– David Machet

– Louis Fastinger

– James Geen

– Elise Morgan

– Bernard Tartinville

– Sébastien Montaz

– Raffort

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The company SAS du Dôme des Miages reserves the right to modify without notice the information presented, without being obliged to update this document. If, despite the care taken in the creation of this website, you think that it contains an error, do not hesitate to contact us.

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